Sunday, November 20, 2011

Getting Through the Hard Times

Hey guys this has been a very rough week for me. Typically I try and make my blog witty and informative, but I think today it's just gonna be me doing a bit of soul barring to you guys. I think sometimes I am almost two people, because save for one or two people I bet if you asked most of the people in my life if I was having a bad week they would say "nah not Laura I saw her Friday night and she looked really happy." Well that's just not the case, and as a matter of fact I was so low this week I didn't feel like going to the gym two days, shocking I know but it's true I took Thursday and Friday off from the gym for a little personal healing time. Did it work? I'm not sure, but I went back to the gym on Saturday so I didn't let my blues completely ruin my routine, but I just needed some time.

I don't think I'm the only person in the world who gets low this time of the year, I think a lot of us do and learning how to cope with it is a struggle. I'm not a holidays type person, they don't make me happy, I hate the pressure and I loath the music. This year I think is worse because I am so food and health conscious. Last year I pigged out and this year I refuse, so we are scaling back Thanksgiving. I don't come from a big family and honestly my father will probably work through the day so no huge feasts for us, some turkey breast, some dressing and lots of veggies. Honestly I'm looking forward to the dressing it's something I avoid most of the time but it is a holiday so I am gonna treat myself a bit.

This stress I've been putting on myself this week also hasn't been good for my weight-loss (stress is a sure way for me not to lose weight) and this week I only lost a pound. I need to figure out a way out of this funk I'm in, I'm tired and sad and a bunch of other non-fun, stress inducing adjectives. I know I'll get through and hell it's probably just hormones, but this has been a really crappy couple of days. So I'm just gonna go back to the routine of things, gym, friends, family. Get through the holidays with no weight gain (my goal), survive shopping on black Friday (never gone before but I kinda need a new laptop), and try and remember my own motto, go strong no matter what.

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