Saturday, September 17, 2011

Body Image Stuff

Hola my friends!!! How is every one's weekend? Did everyone have a fun Friday night? I stayed home and cried my way through Beaches.. because I love that movie and we all need a good cry every once in awhile. Anyway enough about my total love for Bette Midler, lets talk about how we all see our bodies shall we? If i posed the question " what is your least favorite part of your body and why" to every woman (and some men) i know there is not a doubt in my mind I would get a detailed list from all of them of every body part they hated. How about if I asked you what part of your body you loved? How would you answer that one? Because, shouldn't we, no matter what our size love some portion of ourselves? I know at my biggest I still loved particular parts of my body, namely my hair and my eyes. They were something I was very proud about and something that I thought made me special.
Now here I am 145 lbs lighter (yup I've lost another 10 pound since starting this blog woo hoo!) and i find myself focusing on what I hate about my body. I am one of those unlucky apple shaped girls that carries a lot of her weight in her stomach. It sucks so much sometimes, even though logically i know my stomach is smaller (I can see it) I still get upset that it's not flat yet. Also the bigger I got the bigger my legs got, I got fat girl legs. Cankles, fat calves and SUPER thick thighs. While my legs are better (namely my ankles and calves) they still aren't normal looking in my opinion (I hate my inner thighs). So instead of looking down on myself for what i don't like I made a list of the body parts I LOVE since I've started losing weight.

My List:

  • My ankles - I no longer have cankles, I can now put on a pair of heels with pride and not worry about them look fleshy and gross.

  • My Calves - When I started this my calves were about 24 inches around, not even wide calf boots fit, it was so upsetting. Now my right calf is 18 inches and my left is 19 (why the discrepancy can't tell you, but i have what i lovingly call my fat and skinny leg). I love my calves so much that I bought two pairs of calf high boots for the fall and I'm soooo excited to wear them. Yes they are still wide width, but i don't care at all, they fit and I feel hot in them.

  • My back - My back looks sooo good, it's getting thin and sexy and i love it.

  • My Butt - To go along with my back, if i could walk backwards everywhere i would, that is how much I'm loving my back and butt.

  • My arms, clavicle and shoulders - This was the first place i really started to see my weight loss, i love the muscle tone I'm getting in my arms and shoulders, and how jackets fit me sooo much better.

So I think you should make a list the next time you look in the mirror and go "i have the ugliest fill in the blank", stop yourself, look at what you do love. No matter what it is. Continue to work on your trouble areas at the gym, but don't obsess. Everyone of us is beautiful to someone and none of us are perfect and perfection is boring anyway. If you don't believe me ask your husband, boyfriend, best friend or your mom or your dad if your worst part is as bad as you think it is and I bet they will look at you like you came from another planet. So love yourself and only once you love yourself can you really improve yourself!

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