Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting Started

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a couple of days since my last post, I've had some family issues going on but I promise I will try my best to post daily, I know y'all miss my neurotic rantings when i don't post. So I mentioned in my previous blog I would explain why my weight loss in the beginning was super slow. It's an easy answer I started out gradually.
Starting out slow is I think the best way to do it. I remember when I decided to hit the gym I needed tennis shoes and work out clothes, cause I had none of neither, and I didn't run out and buy 50 dollar shoes and expensive workout clothes. I got my shoes for 9 bucks at walmart and one work out outfit at the dollar store cause it was on sale. The last thing I wanted to do was spend lots of money and not keep up with the gym. I also did not change my diet at all. I kept eating crap, like a huge quesidilla then going to the gym and trying to run, worst work out ever.
Starting of slow was important, at first the goal was 3 miles on the elliptical in an hour, then a month later it was 3 miles in an hour doing intervals, then four miles, now i run five in an hour and run for two hours a day. If I had started with unrealistic goals I would not be where I am today.
My whole philosophy in losing weight is change one thing, I don't care if you weigh 500 lbs and can't exercise, or have bad knees, or anything, just change one thing. Give up sodas, or don't eat bread at dinner, or give up candy five days out of the week. Walk to your mail box, walk your dog around the block anything. I promise you will see a change, not day one, or two maybe not till day 20, but you will see a change and those changes will become addicting. Like me it took me like four months to lose the first 20 pounds and go down a pants size, and I knew then I wanted more, so changed my diet, pretty radically and I was okay with it. Am I perfect when it comes to my diet, no because it's not a diet, I re-taught myself how to eat and if you are morbidly obese and want to get it off and keep it off you will also have to re-teach your self somethings.
So start off slow, but don't ever stop. Keep going to the gym or the park with your dogs. If I can do it anyone can, because trust me I'm a very average person just trying to accomplish a goal like you are! Thanks guys! :)

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