Saturday, October 15, 2011

Having Support and Showing Support

I think I made a post once already about supporters and haters, but this is something that is going to come up over and over again and something happened this week in my life to make me reevaluate somethings.

First I wanna talk about my dad. I love the guy and he loves me and wants whats best for me, however i did not get his genes for being thin. The man is 59 years old, lives (i mean LIVES) off chocolate and has a waist size of 32. He has never been and probably will never be over weight. Which is amazing for him he doesn't have to worry about being fat (however that does not mean his eating habits are healthy, just because you are thin does not mean you can eat junk without it coming back to bite you.) So that being said, my daddy loved me at 430 pounds and thought I was his beautiful little girl and will love me at 200 pounds and still think I'm his beautiful little girl. He supports my weight loss, is proud of my motivation and accomplishment, but sometimes doesn't fully understand how hard it is. This week me and my parents went to Wal-Mart together, this is a rare occurrence, my dad is a truck driver and is usually away from home and I do the grocery shopping now that we are living healthier lives, but we are doing home renovations and we all needed to go to decide on paint colors and buy some stuff like that. Well as we were checking out my dad sees the movie theatre size boxes of candy on sale and decides to get three. He gets Whoppers (his favorite), Junior Mints (my moms favorite) and Milk Duds (my favorite), sweet right? He deserves a hug for thinking of us, right? Well yes and no. It is sweet, but it's also not very supportive. One box of Milk Duds like that has about 3 servings (17 candy pieces) for 170 calories per serving (not even gonna go into the fat) and it's full of preservatives (I no longer eat processed food if I can help it). All of which makes this a very bad treat for me, and I can say no to buying it no problem but once it's in my house I have trouble saying no. I was good, i had about 10 pieces and stopped, gave him back the box and said I didn't want to see it. I know it sounds mean, but it's one of my trigger foods and I absolutely HAVE to stay away from them. And when he didn't eat the box and put it in the freezer and left to go out of town for work I threw the box away.
So here is a man, that loves me, would die for me and says he is supportive but his actions prove otherwise. He wants me thin, fit and healthy, but like most of us shows his love through food. So if you're the person in any kind of relationship with someone trying to lose any amount of weight it is your responsibility to show your love by NOT tempting them. I would have much preferred a hug from my dad than the Milk Duds.
I have a really great support system I am so lucky in that because some people don't. This is very hard to do without a support system. If people in your life aren't receptive to you losing weight tell them to stop. I told my dad no more Milk Duds! If your husband still brings home bags and bags of chips and wont stop tell him to keep them in his car. He can eat them, but you can't be around them. Eventually they will learn to not bring trigger foods to you. I don't think it doesn't mean they don't love us, I just don't think they understand how hard it really is. If the people in your life are mean to you about your weight loss journey, use it to prove them wrong. I'm saying YOU CAN DO IT! If I've said it once I've said it a million times, I am not special, if I can lose weight so can you. Support is nice, but it is not necessary at the end of the day you're the one in the gym, in the kitchen and in your life making better choices. Live it to the fullest, get to out there and prove you're stronger than Milk Duds and the bags of chips in the world and always go strong no matter what!

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